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  • Total payment
  • 1xInfluence To Income Workshop$97

All prices in USD

Influence To Income Workshop is a 3-DAY online workshop. It is the fastest path to profitable podcasting.

This virtual, online event happens on September 22-24, 2023 from 10a-7p CT each day.

You will walk step-by-step to build your podcast client attraction strategy.

During this 3-day Influence To Income Workshop, you will ...

- Be armed with NINE different ways to attract clients with a podcast

- Have your strategy to consistently generate MORE revenue in your business

- Craft your powerful message to leave your impact on the world

- Uncover ways to quickly and easily market your podcast

- Discover why podcasts don't make money and how to avoid those pitfalls

- Know the exact next steps to take for success

- Have a completed workbook detailing your strategy and step-by-step process

- Get your questions answered live to ensure you are on the right track to implement your strategy

By the end of this workshop, you will have your plan built and ready to implement with your show to attract your ideal clients with your podcast.
